"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Digital Media Solution a Shining Light in the eBay Digitals Darkness

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted anything here in the last few days, but I've been really busy working on the redesign and relaunch of my original website, SBM Distributors. I should be finished either today or tomorrow and will then be able to update this blog more frequently.

In my last post, "Could Kunaki be the Solution to the eBay Digital Ban?" I mentioned that even though eBay's new policy change, bans the sale of digital products, it does still permit you to sell digitals IF those products are on a CD or DVD and can be shipped to the customer as a physical product.

The problem with that is that a whole lot of folks have no idea how to put their digital products on CD/DVD. Well, as I've often said, one of the things that is so neat about online marketing
is that when there's a problem, there will always be someone to come along and "show us the way". So without further hesitation, let me introduce you to...

Digital Media Solution!

When I first received news of Digital Media Solution last evening I put it into my "gotta check it out asap" file and intended to look at it in more depth as soon as I'm finished with my current project. My main reason for doing so is because it was created by Dave Nicholson, who I've purchased several products from in the past and have always been totally satisfied with what I got.

But after just receiving an email from John Thornhill of Mentorship Monthly and who is someone that I trust implicitly, raving about Dave's Digital Media Solution, I knew I could feel safe letting you know about it right away, even though I haven't had a chance to purchase it myself yet.

Dave has personally spent the last few days (and nights!) compiling a package of high quality videos that will show you exactly how to transfer your digital downloads to digital disc and make it look professional.

AND not just any old way, because Dave shows you how to do this using the simplest, yet most professional methods and get this - all with totally free resources!

But you'll get much much more than just videos with Digital Media Solution. So much more in fact, that you'll have to see it all for yourself.

Sharon Bray-McPherson

P.S. Jan just added this to the comments section but I wanted to put it here to be certain everyone reads it.

"hi, Sharon. I just wanted to add that since some members do not have cd burners, if they do not want to try the Kunaki option, tho I cannot imagine why NOT, since they can obviously do cd/dvd burning, labeling and mailing much more cheaply than I can, that I would be glad to burn any of our members a cd of the member products for a reasonable fee. They can just email me at jantd@charter.net if interested."

Jan Tallent & Sharon Bray-McPherson
JanRon Publishing Digital Products

You can include a link to your website in your comment and it WILL be followed.

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At April 1, 2008 at 4:08 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It is sure necessary to "roll with the punches" where Ebay is concerned! We can't control their changes, just have to live with them. Need to re-think your business strategy, such as putting your digital products on cd's & dvd's... Plus I have been exploring other auction sites to sell on. The way I see it is that a LOT of folks will be looking elsewhere for digital products now that they can't get them on ebay. Good opportunity!

Levada Pendry
A brand new membership site (join while the price is low!) Get ebooks that aren't all over the Internet. Your customers will love them!

At April 1, 2008 at 5:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

hi, Sharon. I just wanted to add that since some members do not have cd burners, if they do not want to try the Kunaki option, tho I cannot imagine why NOT, since they can obviously do cd/dvd burning, labeling and mailing much more cheaply than I can, that I would be glad to burn any of our members a cd of the member products for a reasonable fee. They can just email me at jantd@charter.net if interested.

Jan :-)

At April 6, 2008 at 11:13 PM , Blogger JanRon Publishing said...

Hi Levada. Thanks for the comments. And I didn't really think about it, but I guess you are right. If folks can't find digitals on eBay they will have to look elsewhere for them.

And hopefully it will put an end to the insanity of taking a brand NEW product and offering it on eBay for a dollar or less!

Sharon Bray-McPherson


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