"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

eBay Ending Sales of Digital Products

I just received news from John Thornhill of Mentorship Monthly that as of March 31, 2008 digital products will no longer be permitted to be sold on eBay.


Although I've never used eBay as a means to sell my digital products, I am saddened for all those that do use it as their only method of conducting their businesses.

Saddened, but not surprised, considering the way eBay has been sticking it to their sellers lately. In my opinion, this ban on digital products is just one more way eBay is showing where there main interest is - and it ain't with their resellers - the people that have made eBay a name recognized around the world.

If you find yourself out of business because of this ban, there are 2 alternatives for selling your products that I can think of right off the top of my head. They are, Ebook Tags
and Payloadz.com - both free.

I'd really like to know what you think about this new policy, so use the comments link below.


Sharon Bray-McPherson
Yahoo ID: sbray12bray

Jan Tallent & Sharon Bray-McPherson
JanRon Publishing Digital Products

You can include a link to your website in your comment and it WILL be followed.

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At March 25, 2008 at 9:01 AM , Blogger Spicey571 said...

Well I had just paid for another month to have my store running...but I am now out of business. I only sold DD product. I have already voiced my feelings to ebay. They, like google have grown too big for their britches!
Ebay just had a major increase in prices...and now to have DD we have to place a classified ad (runs 9.99 for 30 days...)
I will be closing my store.... I see that ebay like google has too much power and control.
Never made much money but I will be damned if I will continue under their new rules.


At March 25, 2008 at 9:24 AM , Blogger JanRon Publishing said...

I am so sorry Spicey571. I agree, eBay has grown too big for their britches. I can't believe they didn't consider the number of people this policy change would be putting out of business.

I know they lost a lot of store owners with the recent price increase, including my partner, Jan. Now that Digital sellers will be shutting down their stores, it makes one wonder, what their real objective is.

Sharon Bray-McPherson

At March 25, 2008 at 9:29 AM , Blogger video reports said...

I think that is a pity because many people use ebay to sell digital products and often it is possible to find cheap good products.
Mens Prostate Health

At March 25, 2008 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I began with eBay to unload much of my prized vinyl LP collection that I treasured for years, but, even though I still own a turntable, I just do not find the same time nor satisfaction listening to much of it. However, in recent months, I had been turning to digital products as well. So, knowing how many of the recent changes have come at eBay, I too, am closing down from their site. Lately, my profits have plummeted, and nearly went into the hole due to too many charges, and too many free to low cost seekers that feel they have all the control. Luckily, my feedback ratings remain at 100%.
But, there are other options to eBay. Thank you Sharon and Jan, for the links to Ebook Tags and Payloadz. I've known about them, but had not checked them out yet.

Thanks for all you two do!

At March 25, 2008 at 10:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is sad for a lot of reasons- I myself have never sold digitals on eBay was always planning to *later* and as usual when I dally, I missed the boat. Not a bad thing for ME, I guess, since it is now a sinking one, but I feel really bad for those who have been doing this and for those who buy this way as well.

I have been a buyer on eBay for now 10 years and it is my favorite place to look first for any item I have needed for home or for my now retired store BUT I know from my own sellers it just gets harder and harder for them to DO business with the changes every time they get used to things one way. As YOU know, Sharon, I really lost money trying to sell my best store stock on eBay and most of that was due to surprize postage after going by the eBay listings for items I was selling at a loss already and I have been telling myself lately the digital on eBay would be the way to go so as not to have to deal with that and now this.

To all who rely on this method of doing their business, you have my total sympathy.

Jan Tallent

At March 25, 2008 at 10:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't use eBay for selling products but was considering it, until now. I think eBay is shooting itself in the foot with this new policy. After all, digital products are likely to be the easiest to distribute. And the buyer usually gets their product in minutes or hours as a opposed to days or weeks.

At March 25, 2008 at 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this is sad news I am still new to selling Digital products but I have not listed on ebay because every thing just about that I see in the way of Digital products was only 99 cents and I have checked it out a few times and thought to my self at 99 cents with all ebays fees or even running a ebay store and merchant fee being paypal or other fees how do these people even break even? I have thought ebay has had a BIG head for a while
I could not believe they have a fees for everything
thanks for the new links to check out.

At March 25, 2008 at 12:12 PM , Blogger Colleen said...

Well, the door swings both ways, I guess you could say.

On one side, the Sellers who primarily focussed on DD items and that was their livelihood, will be out of business unless they can find other items to sell, which there are plenty of without having to go the route of Wholesale lists and so forth.

On the other side of the door, are the Owners/Creators of the various DD ResaleRights items, many of which, were being highly devalued on Ebay and sold for like .99c when they should have been sold for a higher price.

There is no winner here.


At March 25, 2008 at 12:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well That changed a Lot of my Plans for 2008. I had been an active eBay retailer for a few years now. All Physical Products Mainly Chess Sets and Computers. Buy Low Sell High! I closed my store with all the Price changes and Spam emails and Fraudulent Feedback schmoozes that were happening.
I had Just Purchased an ebay Digital Store script ( on eBay ) and was about to give this a shot.

Dispite eBay's Long history of not liking the selling of ebooks! eBay has now taken the Final Solution.

I am Done with them! There are Plenty of auction sites out there

I am not familiar with Ebook Tag I will Look Into it.

I have However used PayLoadz and still use them. They have one Major
Draw Back. Their fee structure Limits what you can earn by Requiring an upgrade as soon as you exceed certain sales Levels. They also require that you Store your digital Product on their system. You Pay for the storage by your Upgrade Level.

On The Upside they have a very safe secure download system.

There is another option Called FreeIQ. I have used this successfully for digital products and It Is FREE.


PayPal is to eBay as Ebay is to PayPal. S** what I mean.

John Proulx


At March 25, 2008 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! Ebay has forgotten small business BUT! when one door closes another OPENS! YOU can still make a Great Income selling DD online visit http://www.biz997.com

Andre-Team Validbiz

At March 25, 2008 at 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the whole idea of selling ebooks on "ebay" that got me going selling to begin with. It's like Ebay got too snotty for us regular folks.

Digital products are here to stay, so I don't understand the restriction...not at all.

I'll adapt. It's easy for me to burn CD's, and I think there is an automated system out there that you can burn and send. Here's the link, and I've only glanced at it myself: http://offto.net/cddvdauto

My hubby makes his own beautiful CD music covers, so I'll learn that!

Think Ebay has run out bad news? Are they Through now?

Take care all,

MarginsXs Ebooks

At March 25, 2008 at 8:07 PM , Blogger JanRon Publishing said...

I'd like to thank all of you who have taken the time to post comments here today. Obviously, this is a subject that effects many.

And Colleen, your statement,

"On the other side of the door, are the Owners/Creators of the various DD ResaleRights items, many of which, were being highly devalued on Ebay and sold for like .99c when they should have been sold for a higher price."

is something that I've complained about for over a year. In my opinion, they are literally, killing the golden goose.

To Paul, thank you for expressing your gratitude, it means much more than you could imagine.

Sharon Bray-McPherson

At March 27, 2008 at 12:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have tried (still am) reselling digital products and had at one time considered selling them through e-bay. I am very thankful now, after hearing this bit of bad news that I hadn't tried e-bay. That's Corporate America for you. Out to screw the little guy.

Anyways, I never did try selling on ebay, especially after knowing that so many sellers devalue the true cost of a product, selling digital products for .99 cents or less, and thus making it harder for other resellers who truly want to make a living from selling digital products. This is the main reason why I shunned away from e-bay, and auction sites in general. I may reconsider checking out the other auction sites now, to at least see how they tick.


At March 28, 2008 at 11:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For people who still want to sell their items at an auction I am opening up a new auction site called ditialauctions.us . I am waiting on the license name change for the software and I will be going online.

It is not as good as Ebay but it has a lot of features found on Ebay.

If you want to place your items there that is great. I am planning on having low prices.

If you would like to have a piece of the action that is great as well.

For more info email me at charles_osborne@hotmail.com .


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